Note: there is no quiz this week.
MONDAY: Journal warm-up. Receive revision packet and view final rubric for paper. View sample and discuss revision steps. Time to work on Chromebooks with individual help. Last part of class: healthy kids survey.
Due: Full ROUGH draft to
Homework: Continue revising the Rhetorical Historical paper - the due date is Friday.
WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Peer review of Rhetorical Historical paper in rounds. Receive final checklist for paper.
Due: N/A
Homework: Finish the Rhetorical Historical paper.
FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. How to insert pictures and other visuals into the final draft. Time to put the finishing touches on the final draft of the paper, and to upload to
Due: Please upload the final draft of the Rhetorical Historical term paper to Please click back into the assignment and/or wait for the confirmation e-mail to make sure it's there. No hard copy is necessary.
Have a wonderful Winter Break.
I look forward to seeing you in 2020!