Sunday, December 1, 2019

December 2 - 6

Happy December! 

During this short month, we will work in steps to finish the Rhetorical Historical paper. We will also learn the basics of argument including logical fallacies, and practice multiple choice reading passages.

MONDAY: Journal warm-up. Receive AP vocab sheet for the week. Pass back comments for Step 2 of the Rhetorical Historical paper. Go over Step 3 requirements, Search tips sheet, bias. Show example of completed Step 3 source in class. Citing sources: why it's important and how to do it. Time on Chromebooks to begin research for sources for Step 3.

Due: n/a

Homework: Continue work on Step 3, which is due on Friday, December 6.

WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over a source example for Step 3. Visual argument analysis. Time on Chromebooks to continue working on Step 3.

Due: n/a

Homework: Complete Step 3 for Friday, December 6. Have printed copies ready to turn in with your thesis questions and working Works Cited section.

(Note: see me any lunch beforehand if you don't have access to a printer, and I'm happy to help print them out so you can annotate.) 

FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Turn in Step 3. Quiz covering vocabulary list, "me vs. I" grammar, and apostrophe grammar. Step #4: how to write thesis statements for the Rhetorical Historical paper, and Step #5: the introductory paragraph.

Due: Completed Step 3. Have printed copies ready to turn in for check-off with your thesis questions and working Works Cited section.

Homework: Step 4 - type up a rough introductory paragraph for the Rhetorical Historical paper, including a hook, background information, and thesis. Please upload to before Tuesday's class on December 10. 

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