Tuesday, April 28, 2020

College Board Updates re: the May 20 AP Exam

We'll go over this information in class. In the meantime, here are some steps to take right now:
  1. Sign into your College Board account.Make sure the login is current, the password is working, etc.
  2. Click “Update Account Information” or click their name in the top right hand corner and select “View/Edit My Profile”
  3. Next to “Contact Information,” click “Edit” or click “manage your email communication preferences” at the bottom.
  4. If it's not already selected, click to check the box next to “Yes, please send me updates and information about College Board and College Board deadlines, dates, and related programs and services.” Click “Submit changes.” Sign out and then back in and check account information to make sure the change has been saved.
  5. Be on the lookout for a test e-mail you'll receive on May 4 from the College Board. 
Here are some details the College Board provided to teachers on their webinar this afternoon:
  • Students must use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to open the test. You CANNOT use Internet Explorer. Make sure this is not your default browser, and that the other browsers are updated with the latest version.
  • If you have the Grammarly plug in, you must remove it before the test because the interface will not allow the test to open.
  • An exam demo will be available on May 4th for students to practice submitting responses, but the demo will not be subject specific. We will be testing it out then.
  • Students have an exam day checklist and documents that they need, with specifics for each subject(see link to resources below).
  • The exam ticket will be emailed to you 2 days before the test.
  • There is one timer for the test.  It will turn to red at 5 minutes to notify students that you need to submit before it expires.
  • Students will receive an email on May 4th with the demo information.  If students receive this e-mail, they will receive the test link.  
Here are some new resources available from the College Board:  

See the new 2020 AP Testing Guide here. We will walk through this before the exam.

Here is the 2020 Exam Day Checklist from the College Board. I'm writing up one that includes some additional tips.

The College Board has also put together the "2020 Explainer Videos" that provide more information about online AP exams this year. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Second "in-class" Essay Prompt

Please click here and go to question 1: President Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. 

Take as much time as you need to write it, but please mark **** asterisks where you were when 45 minutes were up. Please upload to Turnitin.com, or if you're handwriting, please take a picture and e-mail it to mogilefskya@pvpusd.net.

Now...head on into that bank. You can do this!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 27 - May 1

Despite the copious comments on the first "in-class" rhetorical analysis essay a couple weeks ago, the overall quality of the essays for both classes was very high. I'm excited to march into our second practice round together on Monday! Rhetorical analysis is a very specific style of writing, and once a person becomes familiar with the criteria on the rubric, it becomes much easier each time. Also, this is the only "deliverable" due this week.

Here's the agenda: 

MONDAY: Log in to Zoom for the next "in-class" rhetorical analysis essay. I'd like to offer the same no-pressure setup: you will decide after reviewing the rubric score and grade whether or not it goes into Aeries. For this second essay, I'll also offer the opportunity to rewrite it if you receive less than a 95. For rewrites, scores will be averaged.

1. Have the reference documents and a piece of scratch paper out, and be in a quiet space if possible for Monday's class.

2. Carson essay mini-makeover: rewrite your weakest paragraph from the Carson essay, and post both versions (original paragraph + revised version) to Turnitin.com under the assignments tab. If you don't have many revisions to do, please choose a paragraph from Sample H of the essays we looked at in class on Thursday by clicking here.

WEDNESDAY: Offline, work independently. 1. Please watch the video about beauty standards in advertisements called "Killing Us Softly 4" *(see warning below) and be ready to discuss the central argument, the sub-claims, effectiveness, and your own opinions on the live Zoom class at the end of the week. Please complete the first 3 comma exercises on the Owl Purdue website, at this link. Please jot down your answers on a piece of scratch paper and check them against the answers. We'll do a little practice in a mini-lesson next week as well.

*Killing Us Softly 4  IMPORTANT NOTE: the video contains graphic images that are not intended for anyone under age 14. Please view and listen at a time when young children are not present. If there are objections to the material, please e-mail me for an alternate assignment.  (The images of advertisements in the video, however, are easily accessible on billboards, in magazines, and definitely online.)

FRIDAY: Log in to the live Zoom class. (see the sidebar for times and login details). Discuss the central argument and sub-claims contained in "Killing Us Softly 4".  Breakout activity about beauty standards and your personal habits, impressions, and expectations. Short presentation about media literacy when it comes to questioning the pictures and images regularly viewed in our culture. Updates from College Board AP teachers' call this week.

Due: Watch "Killing Us Softly 4" and complete the first 3 comma exercises on the Owl Purdue website, at this link.

Homework:  Please read and annotate Queen Elizabeth's address to Great Britain on April 5, 2020  For next class, find three important rhetorical strategies and complete a quick SOAPS from this selection and have them ready for discussion. (You don't need to write the essay.)

Please double check your College Board account, so you're ready for the May 4 test e-mail:
  1. Sign into your College Board account.Make sure the login is current, the password is working, etc.
  2. Click “Update Account Information” or click their name in the top right hand corner and select “View/Edit My Profile”
  3. Next to “Contact Information,” click “Edit” or click “manage your email communication preferences” at the bottom.
  4. If it's not already selected, click to check the box next to “Yes, please send me updates and information about College Board and College Board deadlines, dates, and related programs and services.” Click “Submit changes.” Sign out and then back in and check account information to make sure the change has been saved.
  5. Be on the lookout for a test e-mail you'll receive on May 4 from the College Board. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 20 - 24

Welcome! I've enjoyed grading the Carson rhetorical analysis essays so far, and I'm about halfway through with both classes' work. I'm scoring them with the most recent AP rubric, and providing quite a few comments and feedback for each one, since it's your first rhetorical analysis essay in awhile. As you'll see below, I plan to have the comments and scores up in Turnitin.com by Thursday's class. We'll gear up for another go at the rhetorical analysis essay on Monday, April 27.

As you're waiting on feedback for the essays, we will return to the Gender Unit. This Tuesday is an online debate, and then in the middle of next week, after Monday's essay, we'll watch a video argument about beauty standards in advertisements, followed by a discussion.

TUESDAY: Log in at your designated time, (see the sidebar for times and login details). Verbal, live journal question, followed by structured debate about whether or not women should be required to register for the draft they way that men currently do at age 18. Be prepared to argue both sides of the debate! At the end of class: 1. vote for which side argued more effectively with examples and evidence that were varied and of high quality, 2. vote for your actual opinion about the matter. 

Due: Please complete the AP Gender Debate Prep Work sheet and upload to Turnitin.com before class.

Homework: Think about the arguments you heard today. Which were the most persuasive? What rhetorical strategies did the speakers employ during the debate? Be ready to discuss on Thursday.

Make sure you've checked the e-mail account associated with your College Board login. Go to the College Board website and login and make sure your password is working and you've checked all messages and mail.

Read the "Embedding Quotes - The Quote Sandwich" document  here (also under "Other Essay-Writing Reference Materials" on the right-hand sidebar). Compare the suggestions in this document to the Carson essay you wrote. Could your own quotations in the essay be improved?

THURSDAY: Log in at your designated time, (see the sidebar for times and login details)."Pass back" rhetorical analysis essays in Turnitin.com and go over results. Read through Carson prompt, go through steps. Talk about suggestions to improve reference materials. Read actual class sample paragraphs and discuss. 

Due: Think about the arguments you heard today. Which were the most persuasive? What rhetorical strategies did the speakers employ during the debate? Be ready to discuss on Thursday.

Make sure you've checked the e-mail account associated with your College Board login. Go to the College Board website and login and make sure your password is working and you've checked all messages and mail.

Read the "Embedding Quotes - The Quote Sandwich" document  here (also under "Other Essay-Writing Reference Materials" on the right-hand sidebar). Compare the suggestions in this document to the Carson essay you wrote. Could your own quotations in the essay be improved?

"Homework:"  Log in and view the score (rubric score and score on a scale of 1-100 for grading, as well as all of the comments, for the Carson essay). If you'd like to read the sample essays we covered on Thursday, please click here.

a. Carson essay mini-makeover: rewrite your weakest paragraph from the Carson essay, and post both versions (original paragraph + revised version) to Turnitin.com under the assignments tab. If you don't have many revisions to do, please choose a paragraph from Sample H of the essays we looked at in class on Thursday by clicking here.

b.  If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you want the score in the Gradebook. Let me know if you DON'T want the score in the Gradebook. (If you're not happy with your score, you also have the option of rewriting, and I'll average the points.)

c. Have the reference documents, a piece of scratch paper out and be in a quiet space if possible for Monday's class.  We'll write another "in-class" RA essay on Monday.

Friday, April 17, 2020

College and Career Center Update - OODLES of virtual events!

See below for an update on opportunities you do not want to miss from our College and Career Center:

Historically Black Colleges & Universities Virtual College Fair Saturday, April 18, 9:30 am – 1pm
Featuring 16 different HBCU schools from 9:30am-1pm CDT. Many HBCUs have a practice of offering on the spot admissions and sometimes even on the spot scholarships for seniors when these fairs are held in the fall! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-hbcu-college-tour-tickets-102529446334

Strive Virtual College Exploration Week - Monday, April 20 - Thursday, April 23, 2020
  • 300+ colleges from 44 states and 10 countries
  • 96 sessions over 4 days
  • Day and evening options
  • Panel presentations on a range of topics for juniors and underclassmen
  • Free and open to students nationwide
Registration for students and parents is now live: www.strivescan.com/virtual  
The Strive Virtual College Exploration Week provides a robust and diverse schedule of events, with 300+ colleges from around the country. Colleges from our region and nationally will be sharing their expertise and knowledge, and we encourage you to use this platform to embark on your college exploration!

The 96 panel presentations include topics ranging from:
  • Finding college fit
  • Essay writing
  • Visits (on-campus and virtual)
  • In-state options vs. Going out of state

Every panel includes the perspectives from at least three different institutions and all presentations are 45 minutes in length. Student Registration: Students should register for each panel that they want to attend. Once they register, they’ll receive a confirmation email with their unique link to join the Zoom webinar. (Students will also receive a barcode, but the barcode is not necessary for this virtual event.)

Coalition for College Virtual College Fair - Thursday, April 23rd, 4 – 6 pm or 6:30 – 8:30 pm (EST)
Hear from admissions officers regarding these topics and more: “Tips on Creating Your College List”

Behind the Scenes: How Admissions Decisions Are Made.” Then visit virtual “rooms” where reps from more than 40 colleges will share an overview of their schools and answer your questions, live. Colleges like Harvey Mudd & Harvard, Tufts & University of Tampa, Cornell & Columbia will be participating! http://coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/april-2020-virtual-fair.html

College Block Party Tuesday & Wednesday, April 28th & 29th, 6 – 9 p.m (EST)
This is a FREE, two-day, after-school online event for high-school students from all grade levels, parents, and counselors. Drop-in, whenever you can, to get your questions answered. Participating Colleges Include: Colgate University, University of California Berkeley, Emory University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Tufts University!  Click Here to Download Schedule & Topics

Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 13 - 17

Welcome, AP! It's now mid-April, and hopefully most of you are more comfortable and used to online school. It's not the same, but I've enjoyed your insightful, high-level, and interesting discussions. As always, shoot me an e-mail if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. 

This week, we'll complete the first "in-class" rhetorical analysis essay since the middle of fall semester. Remember! You will receive feedback and a score. YOU will decide whether or not it is included in the Gradebook.

MONDAY: Students will log in to Zoom at the designated time, receive the prompt, and write an "in-class" simulated AP-style rhetorical analysis essay. I will post the prompt on the screen, and you'll have the entire period to finish, and extra time if you need. Please have notes printed out if possible, especially the reference sheets from the "HOT" list on the right-hand sidebar of this website. Type or handwrite the essay the way that you intend to complete the actual AP exam.

Due: Have a blank piece of paper, a few pencils or pens, the "Hot" reference sheets printed out, and a quiet space ready for Monday's class.

Homework: If typed, please upload the "in-class" essay to Turnitin.com immediately upon completion. If handwritten, take a picture of the essay pages and e-mail them to mogilefskya@pvpusd.net immediately upon completion.

If you take longer than the class period (45 minutes), draw a line or type a few asterisks where you were when the time was up, then continue writing.

WEDNESDAY: No online class today, please work independently. Please post answers to the questions in the Discussion Tab in Turnitin.com titled "April 15 - Rhetorical Analysis "In Class" Essay Writing Reflection."

Please read "There is no Unmarked Woman" (page 18) and "The Quiet Destruction of the American Teenager" (page 23) from the Gender Unit reading packet (pdf linked under "Class Handouts" on the right-hand sidebar of this website). Note the types of evidence and examples each speaker provides to support their arguments. If you prefer, feel free to listen as you read, or just listen by clicking the links below:

"There is No Unmarked Woman"
"The Quiet Destruction of the American Teenager"

FRIDAY: Log in to Zoom class. Online, verbal journal warm-up in breakout groups. Discuss the readings. Popcorn read "I Want a Wife" and analyze the rhetorical strategies as Judy Brady asserts her views about a woman's role in a typical household.  Introduce the prep for Tuesday's lesson, an online debate about whether or not women should be required to register for the draft the way that men currently do at age 18.

Due: Post answers to the questions in the Discussion Tab in Turnitin.com called "April 15 - Rhetorical Analysis "In Class" Essay Writing Reflection." Please read or listen to There is No Unmarked Woman" (page 18) and "The Quiet Destruction of the American Teenager"  (page 23) from the Gender Unit: Reading Packet.

Homework: AP Gender Debate Prep Worksheet. Please complete this assignment before next Tuesday to prepare for the debate: should women be required to register for the draft at age 18 the way that men do currently? When finished, please upload to Turnitin.com under the Assignment tab for your class.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 6 - April 10

Welcome back! (Scroll past my note to get directly to the agenda.)

I was grateful for the timing of Spring Break. It allowed me to rest, plan and process the fact that I will have to give up some of the interactive class lessons and activities I was so looking forward to this year! I thought quite a bit about what is most important for your growth and your future, and how to deliver that to you in a way that is a good use of your time, as well as manageable.

Here's the agenda for the week:

TUESDAY: Live, Zoom meeting (see sidebar for times and login information). Go over updates from the College Board regarding the AP exam, as well as the game plan for this class. Discuss Paine argument prompts and options for rewrites. Read and discuss the 2019 rhetorical analysis free response question (a passage from Gandhi). Show where to find the latest version of the College Board's Rhetorical Analysis Rubric. 

Due: n/a

Homework: Using the newer, 2019 rubric that has a scale of 1-6, please score the sample Gandhi essays marked PP, J, and LL on the discussion board post in Turnitin.com marked "Gandhi Scoring," with a one sentence rationale for each. (If you want to score the other five essays, feel free, but we'll only cover these three in detail in class.)

THURSDAY: Live, online Zoom meeting. Discuss scoring and College Board commentary for each sample essay for the prompt we read on Tuesday. Discuss strategies for writing the rhetorical analysis essay on the AP exam, including which notes to have on hand (printed out if possible). Receive and walk through Graphic Organizer, Rhetorical Strategies What + How document, and Reference Sheet for Write it Out stage/Tone Words.

Homework: Read through the rest of the Gandhi student sample essays and College Board scoring and commentary.

Print all “Hot” reference docs out (if possible) sometime between Thursday evening and Monday’s class on April 13 and review them.  We'll simulate an online rhetorical analysis essay writing and submission on Monday. (Don't worry, you'll have extra time if you need it, and you will decide whether or not it goes into the Gradebook after you receive it back! )

Note: please send me an e-mail asap at mogilefskya@pvpusd.net if you don't have access to a reliable printer, and/or if you don't have access to a reliable chromebook/laptop/device for typing or sending the AP exam. I will confidentially get it worked out.


This is the general game plan:

Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday - live classes with ample use of the breakout rooms for small group discussion and connection. (Please see the sidebar for the schedule, which will follow the PVHS online schedule, plus login information.)

On the week that your class also meets on Wednesday, we'll be offline, watching the College Board AP videos that have been specifically designed to prep for the AP exam.

Note: I understand that student situations are quite varied; some students are bored and asking for more class work and practice, and others are suddenly in charge of child care for siblings, household work, and jobs outside of the home. Almost everyone is feeling stressed with the continuous and widespread uncertainty and the adjustment to having life change so much.  I will record the live sessions and post online for those that cannot be present for classes. Please reach out to me via e-mail at mogilefskya@pvpusd.net with any concerns or questions.

The focus for the last 10 weeks of school will be
1. Making sure you're confident and well-prepared for the significantly-revised AP exam on May 20. This involves writing practice with detailed feedback and writer's workshops, as well as reading a variety of passages.
2. Creating a good working draft of the college essay after the AP exam, so you'll be a little bit ahead going into the summer. (An alternative assignment is a three-page research paper on a job title of your choice.)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

AP Updates: Rhetorical Analysis Essay, May 20, 11:00 a.m.

The College Board will post this tomorrow on its website, but there will be one rhetorical analysis passage on our AP exam this year. The date for the AP Language and Composition exam is Wednesday, May 20 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
  • Students will have a choice of handwrite the essay/upload from a phone or type on a desktop/laptop and submit.
  • Students will be able to use notes, but not each other. They said they are going to share some of their strategies to catch cheating students (or students planning to cheat), but not all of them. (Please do not go onto Reddit and post on message boards about AP exams, or any online forum!)
  • Those with accommodations (IEPs) will have time automatically built into the delivery of their exams.
  • Teachers will receive copies of their students' exams by May 26.
  • The College Board will provide the ability to test the delivery system in a simulation beforehand, and will provide an AP Testing Guide at the end of April that will cover technical questions in greater depth.
I found this out less than an hour ago. I read an announcement that many colleges are offering credit for AP scores, and the UCs will give credit for a 3, 4, or 5 score. I know that for many students it's more important than ever to obtain college credits, and I'm strategizing over the rest of the break how to best prepare each of you. I hate surprises and I cannot tell you how excited I am to finally know the question type!

Please enjoy the rest of break, and take care of yourselves and your families! I'll post the week's schedule by Sunday night, and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday morning.