Saturday, December 7, 2019

December 9 - 13

I'm really enjoying reading what you've uncovered so far about your Rhetorical Historical event in all of your research. Sources have been interesting and very high quality. This week, we'll work on constructing the rough body paragraphs and finishing a full rough draft. 

TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. How to turn SOAPS + Tone notes into body paragraphs, examples. Time to work on Chromebooks and ask for individual help.

Due: Step 4/5 - Rough introductory paragraph uploaded to

Homework:Study e-mails from Sunday, December 8 through Wednesday, December 11 for current events quiz. (Here is the current event e-mail information for the quiz.)

Continue working on rough draft of paper.

THURSDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering current events e-mails. Conclusions for the Rhetorical Historical paper. Time to work on Chromebooks and ask for individual help.

Due: N/A

Homework: Finish full rough draft of paper, submit it to before class on Monday, December 16.

OPTIONAL: A student in fifth period is asking if any classmates would like to participate in a survey about social media use. To participate, please return the signed consent form, and click here for the survey link

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