Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 18-22

Welcome to our last week before Thanksgiving! It's been quite a stretch without much of a break, I know. This week, we'll just get started on the longer rhetorical analysis paper we'll be writing. You'll be researching and writing about the rhetoric surrounding an event of your choice. We'll be completing this paper in steps. Since you'll be writing papers of similar length and with a similar process at university, I believe the experience will be valuable.

No quiz this week. We'll start back fresh in December with a vocabulary quiz at the end of that week. Here's the agenda:

TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over Frederick Douglass essays. Group activity: rhetorical analysis, ranking several contemporary apologies, defending your choices. Topic selection for Rhetorical Historical Research Paper. Go over Step 2 of the Rhetorical Historical Research Paper.  

Due: Read through Rhetorical Historical Step One: Overview and Topic Selection and come to class on Tuesday with 3 topics of interest.

Homework: Please complete Step 2 of the Rhetorical Historical Research Paper, with a 300-500 word write-up.

Make sure warm-up journals are ready to turn in. 

THURSDAY: Journal warm-up. Multiple choice exercise: individual, group, whole class. Visual analysis, what to look for, how to analyze visual arguments. Cumulative sentences: creative group activity.

Due: Please complete Step 2 of the Rhetorical Historical Research Paper, with a 300-500 word write-up.

Homework: None. Get plenty of rest and have some fun! Explore topics of interest and keep up with current events.
Have a terrific Thanksgiving week.
I look forward to seeing everyone in December!

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