Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18

Welcome back to AP English! 

(Insert the chime noise here from memory -- the pleasant chimes, not the times I slammed the chime rod onto the rack with a crazy look on my face.)

Thank you for all of the journal entries on I responded to a few of them, and read them all. It's been interesting to hear about your thoughts and experiences. I commented on one of the boards that I am certain this event will be remembered and discussed for years to come.

1. Interactive Journal
          a. Please log in to and go to the Discussion tab. (See Monday's post for directions
          if you can't find it. E-mail me if you still can't find it.)

          b. Go to "Journal - Wednesday, March 18, 2020."

          c. Please follow the directions on the post for today.

2. Reading/Response
           a. Go back to the Discussion tab of Please respond to the questions in the 
            "Reading Response - Wednesday, March 18" post with your own responses to the readings
             from Monday and the links below.

           b. Please read the follow-up article to the one posted for Monday:
           The Man With 17,000 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer Just Donated Them

(Here is a link to the original article on The New York Times website in case you'd like to read the Comments after this article as well.)

          c. Please read this article and note the graphics:
          Why Outbreaks Like Coronavirus Spread Exponentially and How to Flatten the Curve

          d. Read the following hypothetical prompt:

The United States Government should immediately enforce a strict, nationwide quarantine as China and Italy have in response to the Covid-19 threat. Please respond to this statement by defending, challenging or qualifying supported by credible evidence and examples to support your position. 

What do you think your position would be for this prompt? Would you defend (agree), challenge (disagree), or qualify (agree with conditions, disagree with exceptions)?

Please find at least two credible articles/sources or pieces of evidence that you would use for this prompt. A credible source will typically have an editorial board reviewing content. (Remember the types of evidence/examples: personal experience, secondhand experience, general facts, scientific facts, literary examples, historical examples, current events, and pop culture.)

Here are a couple of examples, feel free to look for others:

Coronavirus: Florida Beaches Full as Trump Advises Against Groups Larger Than 10

Note: we will not be writing this specific prompt out as an essay, but next week we will start a synthesis-style prompt about Covid-19 (in stages, with help at each step). 

3. Sample Synthesis Prompt - Please read through the following:
At this point, I just want you to see this style of prompt and essay and get a feel for what it looks like.  (We won't be writing this specific eminent domain prompt.)

Synthesis prompts typically contain a short description about a controversial issue, followed by an argument-like question on the front page. After that, there are 6-9 short sources, including at least one graphic (a graph, chart, political cartoon, etc.)  There are some tricks of the trade that will make this much easier than it looks, so at this point, just get a feel for what it is. Think of it as an argument prompt where you need to reference 3 (and only 3) of the provided sources, in addition to your own examples and evidence.   


Hope everyone is doing okay! We're all adjusting, so be sure to pace yourself, connect with others, and try to have some fun this week as well. I look forward to seeing your responses on the Discussion board; e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I'll post again on Friday.

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