Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year! January 6 - 10

Welcome back and happy new year!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Winter Break. I spent time in Los Angeles and read The Righteous Mind, Why Good People are Divided about by Politics and Religion, short stories from the David Foster Wallace Reader, and just started the novel On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. I watched Star Wars, Marriage Story, The Morning Show, and Parasite. I also read some very interesting Rhetorical Historical research papers from  :-)

Please note that there are no more weekly quizzes until next semester. Also, the last day to turn in make-up work for partial credit is Friday, January 10 at 11:59 p.m. PST. To be fair to all students, I can't make any exceptions to that cut-off time, and I need time to grade everything and post it to Aeries. 

TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Overall feedback for the Rhetorical Historical Research Paper. Study Guides/final. Intro to argument unit. Notes: Defend/Challenge/Qualify positions for argument. Read and analyze short arguments about a current event and simulate the California State Senate as you debate and discuss, then vote as a class. 

Due: N/A

Homework: Write a short (one-page or less) review of a book, movie, TV show, or video game you read/watched/played over break and whether or not you recommend it. Be sure to write why you would recommend or not recommend your selection. Please bring this to class on Thursday.

THURSDAY: Journal warm-up. CAASPP practice on Chromebooks. Notes: arguable claims and types of claims. Evaluate your own reviews. Learn 3 more fallacies, group exercise with fallacies.

Due: Write a short (one-page or less) review of a book, movie, TV show, or video game you read/watched/played over break and whether or not you recommend it. Be sure to write why you would recommend or not recommend your selection.

Homework: Read through the inaugural speech by President John F. Kennedy on pages 40-41 of the Rhetorical Analysis Packet, annotating for rhetorical devices/appeals. Then, read page 42. Please bring the annotated pages on Monday, January 13.

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