This week, we will march (March?) forward, continuing with the argument unit and gearing up for another in-class prompt. This class has excelled in finding high quality, original examples and evidence so far, and I'm really impressed with some of the brainstorms from last week. This is a critical skill in the pre-writing process and it will serve you well.
The areas we need to work on are writing out good essay drafts by hand, and the multiple choice portion, which we'll address going forward.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you haven't already, please sign up for the AP Language exam. So far 11 out of 37 students have signed up. You can sign up through Sunday, March 3. On Monday, March 4th at 12:00 a.m. there will be an additional $50 charged as a late fee.
Here is the link:
SECOND IMPORTANT REMINDER: No current events quiz this week. We have a shortened week due to scheduling, and an in-class essay on Friday instead.
MONDAY: Attendance. Junior guidance sessions. After the session, your counselors will help you sign up for next year's classes, then you'll return to class one at a time.
Due: n/a
Homework: For Wednesday, February 27, please read and annotate the challenging
"Professions for Women" from the Gender Packet, as well as "There is No
Unmarked Woman." Note the types of evidence and examples provided and come with opinions for class discussion.
WEDNESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over the reading. Discussion about the complex issue of the gender pay gap and possible underlying reasons, view statistics. Read blog entry from a young professional about what she wishes she'd known about negotiating her salary (beneficial for everyone in class, not just the women). Speaking and listening: small group activity - improve the blogger's suggestions for phrases that could be used during a conversation with a potential employer that are respectful and effective in negotiations of salary, terms, etc. when accepting a position. Whole class discussion/comparison.
Extension: If you have time, click here for a challenging and informative video from the Stanford Business School about negotiation. I learn something new every time I listen to the lecture.
Due: Please read and annotate the challenging
"Professions for Women" from the Gender Packet, as well as "There is No
Unmarked Woman." Note the types of evidence and examples provided and come with opinions for class discussion.
Homework: Please put together one index card of notes written in pen that you will use for the argument essay on Friday. Note: there is no quiz on Friday.
FRIDAY: Video argument: how women are portrayed in ads. Analyze how the argument was made, evaluate. "I Want a Wife" rhetorical analysis and discussion.
Due: Optional: one index card of notes written in pen to be turned in with essay. Keep these for Tuesday.
Homework: Please read and annotate "A Challenge for Girls Today: Moving Beyond 'How do I look?'", page 17 of the Gender Unit packet, and take your time completing "The Gettysburg Address" passage and questions in Albert i.o. For full credit, your accuracy should be at least "passing" or 50%.
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