Monday, October 22, 2018

October 22 - 26

Last week you wrote your second rhetorical analysis essay, and your first essay in-class. As I'm writing this I've almost graded them all, and I think the class is really on the right track. Almost everyone was able to identify and articulate the somewhat complex rhetorical situation in the prompt.

This week,  we'll go over the Kelley prompt, discuss and analyze The Grapes of Wrath, enjoy a four-corner debate about book bans and censorship, watch the play preview, and study and discuss different proposals to address homelessness in Los Angeles.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Go over Kelley prompt. View samples. Go over Chapter 14 of Grapes, book banning. Notes: oxymoron, syntax review. Polysyndeton, asyndeton. Create polysyndetons, asyndetons.

Due: Please read Grapes, finish Chapter 16 and 17.

Homework: Please read and annotate two opposing viewpoints about censoring books and be ready to discuss on Wednesday. 

1. Please read 3 responses to the Kelley prompt. 2. Score each on your own before looking at the College Board's scoring. 3. On a separate piece of paper, write 2-3 sentences for each why you scored the way you did. 

OPTIONAL: If rewriting the Kelley prompt, please type the revision and post to by November 1. Please turn the original back in when it's ready. (There will be a paper first version and a typed and uploaded electronic revision on

WEDNESDAY:  Play preview. Journal warm-up. Notes: hyperbole. Four corner debate about censorship.

DuePlease read and annotate two opposing viewpoints about censoring books and be ready to discuss on Wednesday. 

1. Please read 3 responses to the Kelley prompt. 2. Score each on your own before looking at the College Board's scoring. 3. On a separate piece of paper, write 2-3 sentences for each why you scored the way you did. 4. Please return the samples with the piece of paper (they're a class set).

Homework: Please read and annotate the articles about homelessness in Los Angeles in the Expansion Pack, page 27-34. Please interact with the text, making notes about your responses in the margins and bring the marked-up Expansion Pack to class on Friday.

FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Quiz covering vocabulary, grammar. View opposing viewpoints about a proposed solution in San Pedro. Roundtable discussion about homelessness in Los Angeles, how to approach the issue, different solutions. Here is a fantastic series of maps to explore.

Due: Please read and annotate the articles about homelessness in Los Angeles in the Expansion Pack, page 27-34. Please interact with the text, making notes about your responses in the margins and bring the marked-up Expansion Pack to class on Friday.

Homework: Please read Chapter 18 of The Grapes of Wrath for next week. Note its relevancy to current events, specifically homelessness. 

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