This week, it's December!
Online classes are becoming more and more ubiquitous (vocab word this week), but there are certain things that can only be done in a classroom with peers. This week, I look forward to a lively Socratic Seminar involving the themes of The Grapes of Wrath. The purpose is to explore ideas and make connections to events outside of the book. I believe the ideas we explore could be good fodder for your SAT, ACT and of course AP exams later this year.
MONDAY/TUESDAY: Journal warm-up. Thesis check-in for term paper. Discuss Step 5 of the term paper - the components of the intro paragraph (hook, basic information, thesis). Socratic Seminar exploring ideas on the Discussion Questions handout.
Due: The Grapes of Wrath Discussion Questions handout filled out. Rough draft (1-4 sentences) thesis statement ready to share.
Homework: Study for vocab quiz on Friday. Complete rough draft of intro paragraph for Friday.
WEDNESDAY: Junior conferences take up most of the period. Return Grapes of Wrath, pick up Huckleberry Finn. Literary analysis terms: metonymy and synechdoche.
THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Journal warm-up. Vocabulary quiz. Check-in intro paragraphs for the term paper. Begin writing body paragraphs. Intro Huckleberry Finn.
Due: Step 5: Intro paragraph rough draft.
Homework: Write 2 body paragraphs of the term paper for Tuesday (Step 6).
Read the article from The Atlantic found here: "The Coddling of the American Mind" and come to class prepared to discuss the current climate and national conversation on Tuesday. Look at how the authors make their argument - what is their claim and what type of evidence do they provide? The comments section of the article has a lively debate as well. (This article is very critical of the current college climate - during class on Tuesday we will read and discuss a letter to Jerry Seinfeld from a SDSU student that defends banning certain types of speech from campus.)
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