Friday, August 21, 2020

2020-2021 students, welcome to AP English Language and Composition!

In case you've stumbled your way onto this class website, welcome! We'll be using Google Classroom this year for your convenience as all of your classes begin online in the fall. Google Classroom codes will be provided on Monday evening in an e-mail and posted for each class on Aeries, after most of the scheduling adjustments are complete. That will be the "home base" for the class, rather than this delightful website.


 Since you're here, I may as well introduce myself and the class. I'm Ms. Mogilefsky (also known as Ms. M). I'm excited to work with you this year as we prepare as a team for the AP Language and Composition exam and explore a variety of well-known books, short stories, nonfiction articles and essays that are an important part of the conversation about the nature of American life, past and present. I know junior year can be stressful: SATs, ACTs, extracurriculars, and of course the AP exam on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. The Covid-19 situation also calls for us to be flexible in the face of uncertainty. We'll take on the challenges one step at a time, and all of the activities we'll work on will help you succeed. I've given it quite a bit of thought, and I know we'll make this year fun and productive. I'm excited to get to know you! Now...back to my home office...